Søby Shipyard work with the UN sustainable Development Goals
UN Goals
Søby Shipyard is working with the UN Goals in our daily work where especially 5 of the goals have direct impact on the way decisions are made and how we work.
Read more about the 17 UN goals
5 Goals
Our focus

Good health and well-being:
At Søby Shipyard we want our employees to thrive, and have a healthy life, throughout their whole lives. This is achieved by ensuring that all employees have all needed personal protective equipment and health care insurance. Søby Shipyard is also ISO 14001:2015 certified, which also shows that the health of our employees is at the highest priority.

Quality education:
At Søby Shipyard we want our employees to have access to training throughout their entire careers. Many of the employees in management roles on the shipyard has started their careers in other roles and have been trained and educated to higher roles within the Company.

Gender equality:
At Søby Shipyard we have no men’s or women’s jobs. Everyone is equally treated in all positions within the Shipyard. All employees are employed based on their qualities not their gender.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure:
At Søby Shipyard we want to promote sustainable operations and increase innovation in new ship building, ship repair, and maintenance of ships. This is especially seen when the Shipyard back in 2019 build the - at that time, largest fully electric driven ferry “Ellen”. There are also taken other innovative steps, such as all lighting at the Shipyard is LED lights, and robot machinery is also used in the production facilities, where it is found as an advantage.

Responsible consumption and production:
At Søby Shipyard we want to move in a more sustainable direction within consumption and production, whether it is technically and economically feasible. Some of the initiatives has been investing in electrically driven tools and vehicles, biofuels etc.