Fehmarn Belt Contractors cooperation
Søby Shipyard
The Fehmarn Belt Contactors and Søby Shipyard Cooperation
The leading dredging and marine contractors Boskalis and Van Oord from the Netherlands have joined forces in the joint venture Fehmarn Belt Contractors (FBC), which is responsible for various dredging and hydraulic engineering activities related to the construction of the 18 kilometer long Fehmarn belt Tunnel.
Søby Shipyard is an ideal shipyard for the FBC project as Søby Shipyard’s location is only approximately 50 nautical miles from The Fehmarn Belt tunnel. Søby Shipyard has to mutual satisfaction assisted vessels and barges engaged within the FBC project with their planned and unplanned repairs and will continue to be available for the FBC project in the future.
Read more about Fehmarn Belt Contractors below.